Search results: Chase Bank Foreclosures information
Articles on Chase Bank Foreclosures from how to stop foreclosure information archive:
Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
Rescuing Bear Stearns Maybe Not Such a Benefit for Foreclosure Victims
With news of the sale of Bear Stearns to JPMorgan Chase Bank, a certain sense of irony seems to permeate every story written so far about the failed investment bank. At a purchase price of $2.00 per share, the value of Bear Stearns has been declared essentially worthless, although announcement of ...
Locking Eyes on the Miami Real Estate Foreclosure Market
Let's face it Miami is having a rough year in its market, at the end of the day everyone is having a bad year anyway, so investors shy away from it, big deal. Home buyers in the Florida area are getting more and more curious on what the market can offer to them. It is almost a hard fact that people ...
REO Lists - A Vital Tool For Every Real Estate Investor
REO lists are an invaluable tool for every foreclosure real estate investor. If you are an investor looking to buy bank-owned foreclosed properties, these lists can serve as your pipeline for leads. Most subscription-based foreclosure listings services are updated daily or weekly, so you will never ...
Project Lifeline - The Latest Government-Issued Foreclosure Band-Aid
As the mortgage crisis continues its downward spiral and spreads from subprime to all home loan categories the government has just launched its latest help program. But is it a good deal for homeowners or just another small bandage to stem a gushing wound? This new program called Project Lifeline ...
In This Home Buyer's Market Sellers and Buyers Can Win
The problems with selling homes in a home buyer's market are in the news everyday. While the politicians may think it is up to them to legislate the solutions, given a chance the market has a unique way of solving its own problems. Instead of looking to the government, mortgage lenders, or banks ...
Why FL and AZ Are Still Not at Rock Bottom Yet
I get a lot of calls from clients of mine asking me to find REO packages as much as $20 million and higher. The boom among investors wanting to buy distressed properties has hit an all time high. Expect that all-time high record to be broken by the more patient investor in a year or even in 2009. ...
Are Atlanta Home Mortgage Lenders And Brokers Being Squeezed Out Of The Mortgage Market?
Mortgage guidelines and rules are changing daily because of the current mortgage crisis. Foreclosures are up, and the Atlanta market is eighth in over-all foreclosures nationwide. Larger investors are turning down four times as many loans and have dropped more than half of the programs as they less ...
The VA Short Sale - What A Breath Of Fresh Air
I recently had the easiest short sale of my career. With this particular deal I had two things going for me. 1) The bank was Chase 2) The loan was backed by the Denver VA department. Chase bank has very friendly customer service. Their wait time to talk to a rep is minimal and they almost guarantee ...
Florida Real Estate Trends - Major Lenders To Provide 30-Day Reprieve For Distressed Homeowners
Recently, around six of the country's biggest home mortgage lenders announced that they will temporarily halt some foreclosures in order to allow homeowners a reprieve of 30 days to renegotiate their loans. The recent pronouncement by lenders like Countrywide Financial, which is Florida's largest ...
Understanding Subprime Lending And Its Implications To The Current Graduate Student
IN THE BEGINNING In a manner similar to the numerous economic crises before it, the subprime lending bust actually began decades before anyone knew it. The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 pushed banks to extend more credit in communities where they operated. This drew many lenders to ...